Publishing Course

Are you new to publishing? Are you weighing the pros and cons of traditional and independent publishing, trying to decide which path is right for you? Do you want to understand copyright and learn the best ways to promote your work?

Publishing Workshop 2015 is a 6-week online course that will lead you through the ins and outs of publishing in the digital age.

Enroll here. Use this link to save 40% off the regular price of the course.

Learn more about this course below:


  1. Traditional vs. Independent Publishing
  2. Agents and Editors
  3. Paths to Publication
  4. Preparing your manuscript
  5. The money trail: advances, royalties, and more
  6. Understanding copyright

This course is intended for:

  • Writers who are new to publishing
  • Writers who have published independently but are interested in making the leap to traditional publishing
  • Writers who are interested in having a hybrid career that includes both traditional and independent publishing
  • Writers who have published in literary journals, magazines, or online but have not yet published a book

Goals and outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will have a clear idea of how to proceed with your manuscript. You will have created a personalized publishing plan to help you take your writing career to the next level.

Course structure:

Each week features a downloadable lecture, an assignment, and a discussion forum, where you can ask questions and post comments.



